As is the case with many storms, the recent super storm Sandy had homeowners and landlords alike concerned about their properties and the possible damage being caused by the storm. At Realty Trust Services, we are happy to provide our landlords with the peace of mind knowing their properties are being taken care of in every way possible. Here are five ways we were able to help the landlords that have trusted us with the safe keeping of their properties.
Fielding Emergency Calls – During major storms, tenants call with a wide variety of concerns. Their power is out, there is water leaking in through one of the windows, a tree just came down in the yard. Regardless of the problem, we are here to take the phone calls and handle the problem. Our landlords do not have to deal with taking phone calls at all hours of the day and night. In addition to providing the landlords with peace, we make sure the tenants feel heard, which promotes retention and word-of-mouth referrals. When tenants feel ignored, they will find somewhere else to live.
Assessing Property Damage – Following a big storm, any damage to the properties needs to be assessed and plans need to be made. For instance, in the wake of a big storm, you might need to check your roofs for any damage. In case major damage is found, you may want to contact Best Choice Rooferor another roofing company in your area who can repair the roof damage. This is also something we do for our landlords. Instead of heading out as soon as the storm breaks to see what can be done to preserve their investments, our landlords get to stay in the comfort of their homes with the families. We make sure the repairs are made as quickly as possible.
Make Needed Repairs – Whether it is resealing windows or replacing blown away shingles, we make sure the needed repairs get done. Our landlords do not need to waste their time or energy taking care of their investment properties, so they can focus on their personal properties. In addition to the practical advantage of having us do the repairs, we once again provide our landlords with the comfort of knowing their investments are being protected.
Tree and limb removal – A common problem during storms is trees or tree limbs being blown down. The day after a big storm, we travel from property to property assessing needs and cleaning up properties. We remove all down trees and limbs, and we handle any damage they may have caused. We also inspect the trees still on the property to see if any of them were damaged and now in danger of falling.
We act as liaisons – Everyone likes to know their concerns are being heard and their complaints are being handled. We act as liaisons between the landlord and the tenants, as well as the landlord and outside contractors or vendors. When there are repairs we can not personally fix, we contact people who can and we make the appropriate arrangements for them to make the repairs. We stay in contact with the tenants, so they are aware of when repairs will be made and when people may be coming to the property. We keep our landlords up to date on what is being done at their properties.
Storms can cause a great deal of damage, and when you own multiple investment properties in the same area, you may have damage or issues to deal with at all of these properties. There is only so much one person can do. We have the people and the resources to handle multiple properties simultaneously. We provide landlords with peace of mind, and we provide tenants with the confidence of knowing their home is being well taken care of. The benefits we provide are both practical and intrinsic.
About Realty Trust Services
Realty Trust Services is a licensed brokerage and property management company in Lorain County. Their team includes: Andrew Morris, Kari Taylor, Steven Taylor, Matthew Harkins, Greg Zadorozny and many more. For more information on Realty Trust Services and how they can help with your property call 440-220-7300.