Why use a Brooklyn, OH Property Management professional property management company? Consider the following. You can feel secure as you use our Brooklyn professional services which work as a system to protect you while maximizing your return on your rental property. Landlord clients have reduced risk with our leasing and tenant guarantees as well as our easy out contract. Save money and get your house leased quickly with our professional videos, pictures and descriptions being exposed on 100s of websites and way more. Realty Trust Services 7 point screening process gives landlords the best possible chance of getting a great paying occupant. Rely on our knowledge to most efficiently prepare your house for rent and select an ideal rental payment. Landlords can rest easy, and get an uninterrupted night’s sleep, knowing our 24 x 7 take that midnight call and dispatch help as necessary. Be in the know and head off potential problems before with exhaustive property walk through video reports. We handle all bothersome collection and emotionally draining collections calls so focus on family and business. No knots in your belly this year when you prepare your taxes because all of the reports will be neatly delivered with your 1099. You have the option to lease, rent to own and / or sell your home, simultaneously, if you desire.
Are any of these page information incorrect or phone number provided no longer working? Does anything need to be updated? Please help us maintain this public service page by filling out the form below.
The county auditor may impose upon any person who violates this section a special assessment on the residential rental property that is the subject of the violation that is not less than fifty dollars or more than one hundred fifty dollars. Such special assessment may be appealed to the county board of revision. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/5323.99 Ohio Revised Code Rental Registration Law: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/5323. How to go about changing the address on tax bills: First, go to their website treasurer.cuyahogacounty.us. Second, find in the middle of the page forms or links for a change of address. Lastly, once information is submitted, the change will take approximately 24 hours to become in effect. Or http://rtsl.us/psr- will take you right to the form that you need to electronically submit.
Rental Registration is required and will cost $100.00 yearly. There is no difference in the price between single and multi family dwellings. This must be renewed yearly. If registering part way through a period, there will be no pro-rations allowed. The City of Brooklyn will send out renewal requests/reminders to the landlord. The penalty for not registering is double the cost of the registration fee. The deadline for compliance is July 15th of every year. Interior and Exterior inspections are not required. For more information, the website’s link is brooklynohio.gov.
Brooklyn utility companies, contact information and policy
Water – Cleveland Water
Phone: (216) 664-3130
Fax: 216-664-3038
Email: websiteinquiries@clevelandwater.com
Url: http://www.city.cleveland.oh.us/CityofCleveland/Home/Government/CityAgencies/PublicUtilities
Notes: The utility must stay in the landlord’s name. A tenant may create a sub account under their name but in order for them to do that, the tenant must go to the water company’s office and provide a copy of the lease agreement, valid ID, and whatever the deposit may be for the property. The security deposit vary from property to property.
The bill will be sent to the account holder and if there is another sub account, the bill will also be sent to that account, you cannot request multiple bills to be sent out. The Property Management Agreement is sufficient enough to allow us to start service or change an existing account.
Sewer – NEORSD
Phone: NEORSD – 216-881-8247 North Olmsted Utilities – 440-716-4151, 440-777-8000
Fax: NEORSD – 216-881-8247
Url: NEORSD – http://www.neorsd.org/ North Olmsted Utilities – http://www.north-olmsted.com/service/publicworks.cfm
Trash – Brooklyn Utilities
Same as above.
Gas – Dominion Gas
Phone: 800-362-7557, 216-736-5313
Fax: 1-866-452-3940
Url: https://www.dom.com/dominion-east-ohio/
Notes: Utility must be in the landlord’s name if it is a single meter property, if there are multiple meters the tenant may then have the utility in their name. Proof of tenancy is only required if there is an outstanding balance or if it is suspected that one of the persons in the home owes the utility company or has committed Gas theft. Proof of tenancy would be id and lease documents.
If you are starting or transferring service to five or more properties, you must fax information to RESEARCH AND RESOLUTION DEPARTMENT. The information they require are the business name, tax number (if you are not transferring a company, you will need the individual’s social security number), name of person responsible for the account, number of contact person, address to send the bill to, contact person and number in the case that an appointment for hook up needs to be scheduled. There is only one billing address allowed, however, a landlord can have a notification set up if the property is scheduled to have the gas disconnected or if the tenant has scheduled to have the gas turned off. A Property Management Agreement between the landlord and us is acceptable to make changes to service. Meters are read monthly and billing is done monthly, unless there has been a transfer of service in the middle of a billing cycle.
Electric – First Energy
Phone: 800-589-3101, 800-633-4766
Fax: 440-326-3240
Url: https://www.firstenergycorp.com/fehome.html
Notes: It is up to landlord, if they want to keep utilities in their names that is fine, they can also have utilities in the tenant’s name. Tenant may need to show proof of residency only if there is an outstanding balance owed. The security deposit is determined on roughly how much the property’s usage will be. Security deposit can be added to first month’s bill and if switched into tenant’s name, within a year the security deposit will be transferred back by check.
Questions that are asked when transferring a company’s utilities: Need address of the company, property name/company name, tax identification number (if you are transferring an individual’s utilities and not a company, you will need their social security number), credit check done on company name, what is the primary source of heat? Is the water heater gas or electric? They will allow you to enter a different mailing address for the bill to be sent to. Multiple bills may be sent out at no extra cost. If utilities are in the tenant’s name, the tenant must request this otherwise, we will nor will the landlord be able to have access to bill. Change of service cannot be faxed, person must call in themselves. We can call on a person’s behalf only if we have verification information so it is good to get the client’s social security number. Ohio Edison sends bills every month as well, they attempt to take the meter reading every month.
Cable – AT&T, Time Warner Cable, Windstream
AT&T Phone: 800-288-2020
AT&T Fax: 302-655-5049
AT&T Url: http://www.att.com/
AT&T Notes: This is also the same as U-Verse. This service can be put into the tenant’s name. This is done by a ‘Name of Change Responsibility’ form. The company MUST speak with person who is having the service installed. There is a credit check done, however, it is very rare that a security deposit will be required. Only required in extreme cases where the person owes hundreds to the company. The person connecting the service will need to provide name, date of birth and social security number.
If the service is initially in the landlord’s name, the landlord must call AT&T, let them know that there will be a change of ownership of the account, then the tenant must call and provide information. The switch of service from landlord to tenant is instant as of the tenant calling. The information cannot be faxed and a Property Management Agreement is not acceptable. Also, this company does not utilize multiple billing in anyway, only the owner of the account can receive information or change information on the account. The bill will come out monthly on the date that service has commenced.
Time Warner Phone: 877-772-2253
Time Warner Fax: 330-633-7970
Time Warner Url: http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/residential-home.html
Windstream Phone: 866-445-5880
Windstream Fax: Corporate – 918-664-6876
Windstream Url: http://windstream.com/SiteSelector.aspx/?cid=ppc_Footprint_ga_National_windstreaminternet
Telephone – AT&T
Phone: 800-288-2020
Fax: 302-655-5049
Url: http://www.att.com/
Notes: This is also the same as U-Verse. This service can be put into the tenant’s name. This is done by a ‘Name of Change Responsibility’ form. The company MUST speak with the person who is having the service installed. There is a credit check done, however, it is very rare that a security deposit will be required. Only required in extreme cases where the person owes hundreds to the company. The person connecting the service will need to provide name, date of birth and social security number.
If the service is initially in the landlord’s name, the landlord must call AT&T, let them know that there will be a change of ownership of the account, then the tenant must call and provide information. The switch of service from landlord to tenant is instant as of the tenant calling. The information cannot be faxed and a Property Management Agreement is not acceptable. Also, this company does not utilize multiple billing in anyway, only the owner of the account can receive information or change information on the account. The bill will come out monthly on the date that service has commenced.
About Brooklyn OH
Brooklyn is a city in Cuyahoga County. As of 2012, the estimated population is 11,026. The population density is 2,628.0/ sq mi. Brooklyn has a land mass of 4.25 sq mi and a water mass of 0.04 sq mi. The elevation of Brooklyn is 764 ft. It has only one zip code: 44144. It also has only one area code: 216.
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Copyright © 2021 Realty Trust Services - All Rights Reserved. We may send out a monthly newsletter if you contact us through our web form. Andrew W. Morris is a licensed real estate broker with the State of Ohio (BRK.2008004009). Realty Trust Services,LLC is registered with the State of Ohio as a real estate company (REC.2009001863). This page was last updated 8/12/2021.