Why use an Elyria, OH Property Management professional? Consider the following. You can feel secure as you use our Elyria professional services which work as a system to protect you while maximizing your return on your income property. Owner clients have reduced risk with our leasing and tenant guarantees as well as our easy out contract. Save money and get your house rented quickly with our professional videos, pictures and descriptions being exposed on 100s of websites and way more. Realty Trust Services 7 point screening process gives owners the best possible chance of getting a great tenant. Rely on our experience to most efficiently prepare your house for rent and select an ideal rental payment. Landlords can rest easy, and get an uninterrupted nights sleep, knowing our 24 x 7 take that midnight call and dispatch help as necessary. Be in the know and head off potential problems before with exhaustive property walk through video reports. We handle all bothersome collection and emotionally draining collections calls so focus on family and business. No tax worries this year when you prepare your taxes because all of the reports will be neatly delivered with your 1099. You have the option to rent, lease option and / or sell your home, simultaneously, if you desire.
Elyria, OH rental registration occupancy permits and other required paperwork
Rental registration program may be implemented in later 2014. For more information refer here: http://www.cityofelyria.org/department/building/ or call 440-326-1491
Elyria, OH utility companies and policy
Water – Elyria Utilities
Phone 440-326-1570
Url http://secure.cityofelyria.org/
Notes: Water utility can be put into tenant’s name, a $150.00 deposit will be required from the tenant to be paid up front. The tenant must provide a lease agreement at the same time they pay the security deposit. Deposit will be returned to tenant after six consecutive payments have been made.
There is a $75.00 (can be made via visa/mastercard over the phone) charge to have water connected for owner. This is returned to owner after six consecutive payments are made, also they require the owner to provide some proof of purchase (settlement agreement/deed), also, at times the water company may require someone to be at the property the day of connection (this depends upon how long the property has not had water connection). The connection times are either 12-1 or 1-4 Mon-Friday. A Property Management Agreement is sufficient enough for us to connect utilities, make changes to the address/account, and we can fax any information we need changed or to have utilities connected to 440-326-1588. The only person who can receive a utility bill is the owner of the account, the owner of the property will receive an owner copy of this bill. Bills are sent out between the 17-19 of the month and are due between the 2-3 of the month. The meters are read once every month.
Sewer – Elyria Utilities
Same as above.
Trash – Elyria Utilities
Same as above.
Gas – Columbia Gas
Phone 800-362-7557 800-344-4077
Fax 866-234-2872
Url https://www.columbiagasohio.com/
Notes: It is up to the landlord and tenant as to whose name the utilities should be under, utility can always transferred. Only time there would be a need to provide proof of residency is if there is a previous outstanding balance with the company. You would need ID and a copy of the lease.
What is asked when transferring utilities into company name; you are asked the address of the company, company name and identification number (if you are not transferring a companies utilities, you will need the individual’s social security number). If the tenant is supposed to have transferred utilities but fails to, Columbia Gas will send out a letter stating that utilities will be turned off in ten days if the tenant still fails to contact them. We cannot fax in information on tenants’ behalf nor can we call on their behalf to have utilities put into their names. We can fax over a Property Management Agreement once the tenant or landlord has the utility in their name so that we may then access the account information. Bills come out every month and Columbia Gas tries to read meters every month, when they are unable to, they will estimate. You can make a request to have your meter read.
Electric – First Energy
Phone: 800-589-3101, 800- 633- 4766
Fax: 440-326-3240
Url: https://www.firstenergycorp.com/fehome.html
Notes: It is up to landlord, if they want to keep utilities in their names that is fine, they can also have utilities in tenant’s name. Tenant may need to show proof of residency only if there is an outstanding balance owed. The security deposit is determined on roughly how much the properties usage will be. Security deposit can be added to first month’s bill and if switched into tenant’s name, within a year the security deposit will be transferred back by check.
Questions that are asked when transferring a companies utilities; Need address of the company, property name/company name, tax identification number (if you are transferring and individual’s utilities not a company, you will need their social security number), credit check done on company name, what is the primary source of heat? is the water heater gas or electric? They will allow you to enter a different mailing address for the bill to be sent to. Multiple bills may be sent out at no extra cost. If utilities are in tenant’s name the tenant must request this otherwise, we will nor will the landlord be able to have access to bill. Change of service cannot be faxed, person must call in themselves, we can call on a person’s behalf only if we have verification information, so it is good to get the client’s social security number. Ohio Edison sends bills every month as well, they attempt to take the meter reading every month.
Cable – Time Warner Cable
Phone: 877-772-2253
Fax: 330-633-7970
Url: http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/residential-home.html
Telephone – Century Link
Phone: 800-366-8201
Fax: 318-388-9488
Url: http://www.centurylink.com/
About Elyria, OH
Elyria is one of the 9 cities in Lorain County in Ohio. The population, as of the 2010 census, was 54,533 but, as of 2012, it has decreased to 54,086. Elyria is named after its founder Herman Ely, and the Greek name Illyria. Elyria is home to Lorain County Community College. Herman Ely discovered Elyria along the Black River in Ohio in 1817. Ely built numerous things on the site. Things such as a log house, dam, gristmill, and sawmill. When Ely died in 1852, there were: five churches, three grocery stores, three flour mills, a newspaper, and a population of more than 1,500.
Elyria is home to many recreations, parks, schools, and businesses. One park Elyria is famous for is Cascade Park. Cascade is the largest most popular park in Elyria. Cascade Park contains a large playground and a large hill that is used for seating at the 4th of July fireworks show. People also can go walking, jogging, and sledding during winter months. Elyria is also home to the sport company Riddel, which makes football gear.