How can you as a landlord sleep better?

Have you ever had a really stressed out or extremely busy period of time in your life that wreaks havoc in your sleep habits? This usually comes in the form of big changes in your line of work, or just a larger-than-usual workload. Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur, and you’ve been having ideas coming in […]

How are pests handled?

Whether it is nesting mice, pesky bed bugs, or gnawing termites, pests are unfortunately a frequent headache to property owners with Pest Control Experts needing to be called in. On one hand, professional extermination can be pricey, and in certain situations, there can be health concerns depending on the chemicals used and the level of […]

So what rights do landlords have in Cleveland?

Usually when we think about landlord and tenant rights, we think about how the law seems a little bit skewed towards tenants over landlords. This turns out to be especially true when speaking about giving tenants the benefit of doubt, and at times even extra rights outside what is outlined in the law, by a […]

How do you ensure that you find the best tenants for our property?

The key to maximizing profitability and minimizing risk as a landlord has a lot to do with choosing the right tenant. That starts with the marketing of the property, and the energy that can be produced off that. There are a few tricks to creating effective advertisements to help find the best tenants for your […]

Handling Property Taxes in Northeast Ohio

One of the things that you will have to look forward to paying every year if you own rental property in Northeast Ohio is property taxes. Property taxes in Northeast Ohio are handled by the County Auditor / County Treasurer’s office and are always paid in arrears, meaning that they are paid 6 months in […]