So what rights do landlords have in Cleveland?
Usually when we think about landlord and tenant rights, we think about how the law seems a little bit skewed towards tenants over landlords. This turns out to be especially true when speaking about giving tenants the benefit of doubt, and at times even extra rights outside what is outlined in the law, by a […]
Did your property manager lie to you about value?
After years of experience in the industry I have learned that it’s a really common practice for many real estate agents to not only mis-value properties during their first encounter with the owner, but also declare a fixed price for it, in hopes of trying to get your business. This goes for both rental price […]
Things even my property manager didn’t know about tenant insurance

Recently, we had an insurance issue where tenants had left for a week on vacation and, when they came back, there was a water problem. No one knows exactly what happened, but pipes froze, water went everywhere, and it had been leaking for days when it was discovered. Ceilings had collapsed. The tenants’ things were […]
The Lean Property Manager?
Let’s face it, property management tends to be a backwards industry. Both in the USA and even mores so in Cleveland Ohio. In fact there maybe one or two property management companies that have been in business more than 5 years in this area. At Realty Trust Services we are constantly looking at ways to […]
Why Cleveland Ohio landlords need insurance
This past winter was a difficult one for a lot of landlords in northeast Ohio. I’ve seen ice dams, water backups, freezes on houses while tenants were away. And damages ranging from a few hundred dollars all the way up to $30,000 plus in terms of what insurance would pay. So I figured now would […]