How to easily and quickly spot a leaky toilet and stop a water billzilla.
A water leak from your toilet can be trouble, for both the property owner and the tenant. It is something that if left unattended, can become costly and very inconvenient at the same time. It’s important to know that most tenants are responsible for the water bill according to what is established on their lease. […]
How are pests handled?
Whether it is nesting mice, pesky bed bugs, or gnawing termites, pests are unfortunately a frequent headache to property owners with Pest Control Experts needing to be called in. On one hand, professional extermination can be pricey, and in certain situations, there can be health concerns depending on the chemicals used and the level of […]
Cleveland Ohio landlords have flexibility to sell, rent, or lease option
Many Cleveland Ohio landlords do not set out to be landlords. In many cases, the property owner needs to move out of the area for work or family reasons and doesn’t have enough time to sell their house before they need to leave. In those cases, many people turn to renting to cover costs. Or depending […]
5 problems with Cleveland Oh property management
Property management is a difficult industry in Cleveland Oh. We are often the messengers of bad news. Renting is difficult and expenses vary by zip code throughout the Cleveland Oh area. Property management is also a very young industry in the Cleveland area. Only a small percentage of Cleveland landlords currently use a property management […]
Should I have someone manage my rental properties?
This is a question I hear a lot. People want to know if they should manage their rental properties themselves or hire a property manager. In order to answer that question, I have a couple questions for you. Do you have real estate experience and can you handle high stress situations? Managing rental properties is […]
What to do to get rid of the bad smells from mold or pet urine.

Smell, Smell, Smell The smell of mold is one of the most distinct in the world. Just last week there was a small issue in the office where some of our carpet got a little wet from rain. We get these calls all the time after rain. What do you do when you have something […]
Help! My Cleveland Ohio properties have statement discrepencies
Statement discrepancies happen. There are a lot of moving parts when it come to property management, and property managers throughout the Cleveland, Ohio area are working with a very diverse group of tenants and properties. Although it may seem easy enough to add up how much you should be getting in rent and subtract the […]
Should I be a landlord in Cleveland, Ohio?
Do you have what it takes to be a landlord? That is an important question to ask yourself before you start buying rental properties. Unfortunately, there are a lot of courses out there encouraging people with the benefits of property ownership without explaining the risks involved. Cleveland, Ohio is a very diverse area with a […]
What to do if you are the victim of threats or abuse.

Protecting yourself in the case of Abuse This is a reality that a lot of us don’t ever want to face. The possibility that someone may hurt us whether through abuse or threats. Realty Trust Services does not condone abuse or threats of any sort between tenants, landlords and tenants, or outside persons. WE TAKE […]
Our End of Year accounting makes preparing your taxes easy.

End of Year Taxes There are some people that enjoy doing their taxes, I am not one of them. We simplify your taxes each year by providing summaries including your expenses that you can easily give to your accountant. We want you to have the piece of mind that comes with knowing that our systems […]