How do you ensure that you find the best tenants for our property?
The key to maximizing profitability and minimizing risk as a landlord has a lot to do with choosing the right tenant. That starts with the marketing of the property, and the energy that can be produced off that. There are a few tricks to creating effective advertisements to help find the best tenants for your […]
Should My Properties Be Owned as an LLC or Corporate Entity?
Please check with your CPA and Attorney for purposes of Legal Consequences and Tax Consequences. Coming from experience all properties should be set to companies, and the main reason for people not wanting to do so is because certain mortgages. From the asset protection standpoint it adds an extra layer of protection, and inexpensive. You […]
5 problems with Cleveland Oh property management
Property management is a difficult industry in Cleveland Oh. We are often the messengers of bad news. Renting is difficult and expenses vary by zip code throughout the Cleveland Oh area. Property management is also a very young industry in the Cleveland area. Only a small percentage of Cleveland landlords currently use a property management […]
Should I have someone manage my rental properties?
This is a question I hear a lot. People want to know if they should manage their rental properties themselves or hire a property manager. In order to answer that question, I have a couple questions for you. Do you have real estate experience and can you handle high stress situations? Managing rental properties is […]
Should I be a landlord in Cleveland, Ohio?
Do you have what it takes to be a landlord? That is an important question to ask yourself before you start buying rental properties. Unfortunately, there are a lot of courses out there encouraging people with the benefits of property ownership without explaining the risks involved. Cleveland, Ohio is a very diverse area with a […]
How OUR systems and expertise can help the CLEVELAND, OH Landlord.

Our Systems at Work We want nothing more than for you to feel secure in your investment. We differentiate ourselves not only through our computer systems but also by educating ourselves as part of out T.E.E. system. Each month we meet and discuss how we can improve our systems with the following: 1.) Reducing delays […]
Our End of Year accounting makes preparing your taxes easy.

End of Year Taxes There are some people that enjoy doing their taxes, I am not one of them. We simplify your taxes each year by providing summaries including your expenses that you can easily give to your accountant. We want you to have the piece of mind that comes with knowing that our systems […]
How much rental deposit do you collect?
People often ask if we collect a rental deposit of the first and last month’s rent. We don’t, and I’ll explain why. Collecting the first and last month’s rent does not provide a better safety net. The safety net you have is what money is left. That is the rental deposit. There are many key points […]
How many years of property management experience do you have?
We get asked how many years of property management experience we have? This is a good question, but it isn’t the best question you should be asking. For us, we have roughly 45 years of combined experience, but that isn’t the best figure because a good majority of people who say they have 30 years […]
How many times do you inspect my property?
If you start asking around, you will learn that people in the business have some very strong opinions regarding the effectiveness or benefit of doing more than just move-in and move-out inspections. Personally, I believe more is better, or at least they can’t hurt. Doing an inspection while people are living can be tricky because […]