Hard work is not enough!
Hard work is a good thing! But it is not enough for us to develop as much as we are able to. How many times have we seen somebody clocking hours of work along with overtime in order to rise quickly through the ranks and acquire better opportunities within a company. They typically get promoted […]
Are you fit for property management with Realty Trust Services?
When onboarding an owner as well as after serving an owner we periodically evaluate whether we are actually a good fit for you as a property management company or not. It’s important that we do this in order to make sure you as a client or potential client are best served. Here is what we […]
Should I hire a property manager that sells properties as well?
A question that is commonly presented to us is whether a landlord should work with a property manager that also sells properties, or one that only specializes in property management. Here in Ohio, to become a property management company you’re required to be a real estate brokerage. Unless you’re planning on breaking the law, a […]
The lean process improvement tool for our property management company
A property management company is like a clockwork machine. If a gear or a cogwheel malfunction or become damaged, the whole system is affected on different levels. So, continuous maintenance is required. I’d like to talk briefly about one of the tools we’ve implemented in order to maintain and improve our quality of service, as […]
Cleveland Ohio landlords have flexibility to sell, rent, or lease option
Many Cleveland Ohio landlords do not set out to be landlords. In many cases, the property owner needs to move out of the area for work or family reasons and doesn’t have enough time to sell their house before they need to leave. In those cases, many people turn to renting to cover costs. Or depending […]
5 problems with Cleveland Oh property management
Property management is a difficult industry in Cleveland Oh. We are often the messengers of bad news. Renting is difficult and expenses vary by zip code throughout the Cleveland Oh area. Property management is also a very young industry in the Cleveland area. Only a small percentage of Cleveland landlords currently use a property management […]
Should I have someone manage my rental properties?
This is a question I hear a lot. People want to know if they should manage their rental properties themselves or hire a property manager. In order to answer that question, I have a couple questions for you. Do you have real estate experience and can you handle high stress situations? Managing rental properties is […]
What to do to get rid of the bad smells from mold or pet urine.

Smell, Smell, Smell The smell of mold is one of the most distinct in the world. Just last week there was a small issue in the office where some of our carpet got a little wet from rain. We get these calls all the time after rain. What do you do when you have something […]
Help! My Cleveland Ohio properties have statement discrepencies
Statement discrepancies happen. There are a lot of moving parts when it come to property management, and property managers throughout the Cleveland, Ohio area are working with a very diverse group of tenants and properties. Although it may seem easy enough to add up how much you should be getting in rent and subtract the […]
Our End of Year accounting makes preparing your taxes easy.

End of Year Taxes There are some people that enjoy doing their taxes, I am not one of them. We simplify your taxes each year by providing summaries including your expenses that you can easily give to your accountant. We want you to have the piece of mind that comes with knowing that our systems […]